Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Growing From Seed

A lesson in patience. I planted some of these seeds 6 months ago - lavender, alpine strawberries and chamomile - the first picture is what I started with and here's what they look like now. I also have some pumpkin and charmine melon starts, from the B.A.S.I.L seed exchange. Last, there's a nice avocado tree that came right up from a pit my roommate put in some soil. I plan to save seeds from as much as possible, to give to others and for another season of great gardening.


  1. 1. This is awesome!
    2. Do you have any advice for growing Lavender? I think I've killed mine with kindness.

  2. This was the first time I grew lavender. You might see that it is only about an inch tall after 6 months! I've just given it good sun and put in some worm fertilizer every month or so. I water about once a week now and it seems fine. I wish I had better advice, but that's about it!
